Eagle Fern Horse Camp

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DSC_0096 (1 photo), by Heather Hada

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Isn’t She a Beauty!

Check out Ana White

I must be a die hard household engineer if for my 40th birthday I asked my dad to make this for me. I love this idea. I’m revamping our laundry area and am actually excited about the whole process. I used the Trofast system from IKEA in the past, but these are full sized laundry baskets. So much better for laundry than the smaller baskets that come with the Trofast system (although I love that system!) Can’t wait. The snag is waiting. Could take awhile to get the finished product from my dad and to get my husbands help stacking our front loaders to make room for this little dandy.

Dr. Doolittle I Presume

This is CP and his chicken TigerLilly.  She lets him tote her all around the backyard.  The two of them keep me laughing! The other day I caught CP and Tigerlilly on the playstructure with the chicken on the monkey bars.  Apparently a lesson in crossing them was in session.

You Will be Missed!

We are still in shock of the recent passing of our friend Mark.  We rest in knowing God has a plan, but mourn the loss for his wife and kids.  I took one of their photos from Facebook and used Picnik (check it out at www.picnik.com) to enhance it.  He loved his family and he loved God.

Seaside, OR

We spent an entire week in Seaside, OR a few weeks ago.  We rented the cutest house!  It was called the Sandcastle.  What a treat it was to spend the time with my mom and sister and her kids.  My dad was in TX visiting my brother and our husbands were working.  MC had a soccer tournament at the end of the week, that is why we settled on Seaside.  Not really our first choice of places to stay for a week at the coast, but a pleasant surprise when we all enjoyed every bit of it.

Long Time No Post!

It has been foreeever since I last posted.  I have written many posts in my head, but have been lazy about getting them down here.  An entire year has passed since I wrote last.  So many things have happened.  Kinda wish I had a record of them on this blog.  There is an app that my sister uses called “Project 365.”  What a cool idea to log your days with pictures.  Can’t wait to look at her year in pictures.  Wonder if there is the ability to make a collage and print it afterwards.  Anywho… back to rambling about my family and what God continues to do in our lives.  Thanks for checkin us out.

The Grass is Always Greener

Our chickens keep me smilin’. They love to just sit out our back door all day peering longingly in to see the happenings of our day. Today I looked out our kitchen window and spotted this lovely girl.  I think she feels left out.  She is just sure that if she could transport herself through the window she would find something so much better than the wormy grass and mud outside.  Ignorance is BLISS!!!

Valentine Smiles

We made yummy cookies. I made them late the night before and the kids had fun decorating them. Unfortunately, CP’s ended up face down on the floor. Nothin like cleaning red frosting out of carpet. Master C didn’t want his pic. taken. Ramona was so funny. She said, “mine has plaque on his teeth from eating the cookie.”. Notice she colored the teeth red.

Prayer Request From a Four Year Old

CP came out of bed with an important prayer request.

“Mom, would you pray that Beeda would please give me back my sword.  I accidentally hit her real hard and now she won’t give it back to me.”

Meanwhile the twelve year old brother was smothering his laughter as he ran out of the room trying not to let CP know how funny the whole request was. 

Too funny!  It is sooo hard to control your laughter while taking your kids’ concerns seriously.  Master C thinks I have it mastered.  He sees the twinkle in my eye, but is amazed at how I can keep it together without crackin’ up.